The list below includes “do’s” and “don’ts” for candidates. This content is non-binding, informative information gathered from our many years of experience and is intended as a recommendation only.
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Your resume page/file is your initial impression of your job search process. It is highly recommended that you pay attention to the following details:
· Structure: Choose a resume structure that suits your taste, but don’t invent a new structure, there’s no point. Sages have already discovered enough structures that recruiters’ eyes are used to. If you still want to show creativity – do so subtly.
There are many websites that allow you to use a “resume writing wizard” – use it.
After the document title “Resume”, it is recommended to divide it into the following chapters (it is advisable to maintain the order): personal details, education, places of work/employment history, military service, languages, mastery of technologies, miscellaneous.
It is certainly possible to include a summary immediately after the personal details, in which the salient topics from the entire content are presented in a few lines (about 5 lines). It is highly recommended to update this summary for each position and adapt it according to the requirements of the position you are applying for.
- Design: Choose an “official” font such as DAVID or ARIEL and a reasonable size such as 10,11,12, since here too the recruiters’ eye is “accustomed” to these common fonts.
· Content: The content of your resume must contain all of your personal information (yes, including date of birth, place of residence, etc.). Be honest and fair and do not try to hide information that you are currently uncomfortable revealing, as the hidden information will be revealed and then the very act of hiding it may cause discomfort.
Important: In each of the chapters mentioned above, the start year and end year must be indicated and presented in chronological order, starting from the latest (current) date to the oldest date.
- File type: It is advisable to choose a file in WORD format. Do not send PDF files as many companies need to “process” the file and will have difficulty doing so in formats other than WORD.
- Versions: It is recommended to create several versions and even adapt a version to a specific job. Recruiters look for keywords that match your resume to the job. Update and adapt your resume accordingly, but in no case do not overdo it and certainly do not add keywords that are not related to your resume.
Delivery: Before distributing your resume, email it to yourself! Check how it reaches you, and only then forward it on.